"Breed Specific Legislation criminalizes responsible dog owners and does nothing to protect the safety of the public." ACF 2003 

AMERICAN CANINE FOUNDATION formerly Washington Animal Foundation



Canine Education

Dalmatian dog

In 2001/2002/2003  the Washington Animal Foundation has been to 27 state and local fairs, 7 pet expo's, community fests, schools and street fairs promoting responsible dog ownership! For educational resources for teaching responsible dog ownership contact WAF at legislation2002@hotmail.com

Over 4 million people are bitten, attacked and mauled by dangerous dogs owned by irresponsible owners. 60/70% are children. The American Canine Foundation has a program available for dog bite prevention! ACF has presented the program to over 50 thousand kids and adults in 2001/2002/2003 at state/local fairs and schools. To obtain information contact the education department at legislation2002@hotmail.com
Karen Peak of West Wind Dog Training, VA has been working with dogs since the age of 12.  She has participated in many dog related activities from Obedience and Agility to Conformation, Skijoring and Pet Therapy.  Her goal is to educate the average dog owner about good dog manners and safety.  In 2001, Karen became the Pawsitively Pets columnist for the Community Voice newspaper Prince William County and also developed her Safe Kids/Safe Dogs project.  She has also had articles published on line and in several magazine.  Most recently, Karen became a Canine Good Citizen Evaluator.  On top of all this, Karen is a mother and her son and dogs are part of the inspiration and drive for the Safe Kids/Safe dogs project. 
West Wind Dog Training & WWDT's Safe Kids/Safe Dogs Project
member Association of Pet Dog Trainers
AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator, reg. no. 3624



 "Wolfdogs are being banned, their owners constitutional rights to due process are being taken from them, USDA classifies the wolfdog as domestic. This means breed bans have now gone from Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans and other breeds to Wolfdogs which is the agenda of the animal rights movement, to stop "domestic" pet ownership"

American Canine Foundation 2003

"In the United States since the 1950's there have been some 470 fatal dog attacks. Out of those apx. 350 where to children under ten years of age. Mixed breeds rate the highest with German Shepherds next, followed by Rottweilers and then Pit Bulls, included are smaller breeds such as the Basenji, however there are not breed bans on German Shepherds or the smaller breeds. We can not use the breeds because there is no way to determine the population of a specific breed at any given time. We can use the facts behind why the dogs attacked to regulate and control all breeds of dangerous dogs. Irresponsible dog owners and parents leaving their children unattended with dogs are the #1 reason for fatal dog attacks. Dogs trained to attack and that are not socialized are dangerous. It's is the owners, not the breeds of dog."

American Canine Foundation  2003

In June 2003 ACF worked to save a Wolfdog, the case took place in Gladwin Michigan.

This ia a statement from the owner:

First, let me thank those of you, who on such short notice were able to be
of help.  American Canine Foundation's intervention in this matter was

Because of the intervention of American Canine Foundation, the prosecutor
did not reopen the wd issue to the extent that we are not going back to
court.  Second, Glen Bui spent a number of hours on the phone with the
prosecutor and I believe did influence how he(the prosecutor) decided to

For the moment, my dog is safe and contained and will remain contained.  ACF
painted the broad strokes of what would happen if the local prosecutor
decided to go the wd route.  I have thanked them, also for their support and
for the specific documents they presented to the prosecutor.
My local case has been resolved under a dog law.   The results are not
without consequence.  However, my dog can remain in his home.
Again, I want to publicly thank those on this list, who have helped, no
matter how small the effort, the American Canine Foundation.
With some more effort by the larger canine community, the MI WolfCross Law
can be repealed.  ACF is still willing to do the work needed to accomplish
this task.

The strategy is a combination of the techniques they have used in other
states and communities to fight BSL, along with the support of interested
canine owners.  They overturned the BSL on pitbulls in Pontiac, MI, after
suing for $500,000.00 and then settling for the repeal of the BSL.
The challenge will now be to fight, not on the local level, but take this
challenge to the state and federal level.
Thanks, again to all who helped.





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